You’ve worked hard, followed the rules, yet you're still stuck in a workplace that doesn’t recognize your talent or hard work.
You’ve been told you just have to wait your turn or pay your dues as you watch other people less qualified get the career growth that you know you deserve.
You thought you could rely on your boss to lay out a pathway to your success but sometimes you wonder if your boss even knows your name let alone how hard you work.
You’re struggling to push down your resentment and this creates emotions like anger or those dreaded tears that will rise to the surface seemingly without your control.
You just keep wondering what’s wrong with me?
Because we’ve been conditioned to believe that traditional education guarantees success, if you have it you believe ‘I’ve got this’ and if you don’t, you feel like you’re missing something crucial and will never get ahead. Both false beliefs!
These false beliefs create a disconnect from what really happens at work, leading to disappointment, frustration and unhappiness in the workplace.
The system taught you in order to Win in the Workplace you have to get more degrees, certifications, and technical training.
But 85% of winning at work isn’t about mastering more technical skills.
It’s about learning the right human skills and applying them daily in your work and personal life.
And guess what? The system never taught you how.
These are human problems that can’t be solved with more technical training.
It’s time to change the way you think and the way you work.
I grew my career from the stockroom floor to the boardroom table even thought the 'system' was always telling me I didn't have the right credentials.
I will get you noticed and have you go from overlooked and undervalued to getting the recognition you’ve earned.
My clients know how to ask for what they want and get it. To finally get ahead as they grow their career and income to the levels they want and deserve.
🧠 Powered by Psychology: I have harnessed the power of psychology, infused with neuroscience, and fortified with NLP techniques and honed by years of my real-world business knowledge to craft a learning experience that rewires your mind for success and gives you the powerhouse critival business skills to navigate and win in any workplace!
🔮 My Secret Sauce: I've distilled everything I learned into my own secret sauce, my proprietary training method The Circle of Habit ™. This method is threaded through my flagship program, 12 Ways to Win at Work and all my Coaching & Training Experiences. One simple repeatable method, 12 Ways to Win=Unlimited Success.
Whether you're eyeing a promotion, seeking a raise, or simply feeling stuck, this session will give you the insight and tools you need to start seeing real results.
The 5 most popular Win at Work Hacks my clients can’t stop raving about—proven strategies that helped me rise from the stockroom floor to the C-suite as an executive. These quick wins will:
💡 Get you noticed: Stand out at work when you use this one work hack to easily step into the ‘other’ persons point of view, understand their objects and tap into their decision-making process.
🎯 Own the room: Tired of Bossy Bruce or Sidetrack Sally derailing your meetings? This one powerful hack will put you in charge of all your meetings and you won’t have to worry about being pushy or impolite!
🤝 Build influence: Turn everyday conversations, presentations & meetings into opportunities to use this powerful communication hack to reduce conflict, rework and miscommunication and obtain buy-in from others quickly.
💼 Take control of your future: You can stop waiting for someone else to open doors for you and take charge of creating your own opportunities to get to the next level.
Ready to be Recognized & Rewarded?
Grab your free guide today!